Dune and Swale
#2358 Dead River Overview with Sedge Meadows and Oaks (Jun 02, 2016), Illinois Beach State Park, Zion, IL, 3

#660 Sand Cherry Blooming on Dune (May 28, 2005), Illinois Beach State Park, Zion, IL, 2

#593 Sand Coreopsis on Dune with Photographer (Jun 16, 2001), Clark and Pine Nature Preserve, Gary, IN, 2
#582 Swamp Thistle and Liatris with Paper Birch (Aug 20, 1999), Clark and Pine Nature Preserve, Gary, IN, 2

#804 Swale with Pitcher Plants, Shrubby Cinquefoil and Tamarack (Jun 23, 2016), The Ridges Sanctuary, Baileys Harbor, WI, 3

#838 Broad Swale (Jul 08, 2001), The Ridges Sanctuary, Baileys Harbor, WI, 2